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Caving to Kindle

September 2, 2008

Later this week I will be uploading the text of The Bretton Katt Alliance into the Kindle format. I know, a mere ten  weeks ago I said I had no plans to do this. So, what changed my mind? A couple of things, mainly.

It's a market. In several on-line forums, readers have said that these days they're buying nothing but Kindle books (I hope that no security scare precipitates a seizure of all electronics from all passengers, etc). I don't know if they'll buy my book or not, but if it isn't on Kindle, they won't. I don't think I'm particularly greedy, but I do want people to read my book! 

Curiosity. I would like to see how buyers respond to a Kindle edition. Just how big a market is this?  Probably not as big as Amazon claims. It costs me nothing, after all. Okay, I admit: there's the desire not to be left behind. Like it or not, some format of the electronic book is here to stay. Writers must adapt. I'm not that much of a Luddite.

I still have some reservations. I still don't trust Amazon as far as I could throw an elephant. But for right now, going with the Kindle looks like the right thing to do. If it turns out to be a bad decision, well, we can only fall back and try something else. We get nowhere by settling into ruts, even comfortable ruts.

So, look for The Bretton Katt Alliance, coming to a Kindle near you  (I hope) by this weekend.

Tags: amazon, kindle, new markets, science fiction, the bretton katt alliance

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